This article will show you how to edit page version options with the Page tab.
You can also configure page properties for the old and new user interfaces.
- Sign in to your Evolve website
- Click to expand the Page tab:
- Click the Versions menu option:
- Click to load the Version you wish to edit:
- Click the Back to Page icon:
- Edit the fields, as needed
- Title (required): Create a title for your page
- Version Notes (Internal Only): Create internal notes for this version of your page
- Description: Provide a brief description of this version (1,000 character limit)
Keywords: Add keywords for enhanced search functionality
Note: Used to improve site search results, such as alternate words in the content. Press Enter to add each word or phrase. Separate each keyword with a comma. -
Miscellaneous Tags: Add HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) page tags for enhanced search functionality
Note: Tags can be added here to provide specific data for this page, such as meta tags and/or OData tags. Commas are not required between tags.-
Example: <meta name="author" content="John Doe"><script>document.title = "My Page";</script>
- Image: Click Select Image to select an image (or upload an image). The image will display in the Pages Widget when configured for Format 4
- Always Use Page Title for Menu Text: Check this box if you want the menu display text and page title to match
- Menu Text: Use this field if you wish for the page title to display differently in menus
- Display Feature Column: Show the feature column on this page
- Department Header: If enabled, and the Search Widget is configured to allow it, it will be possible to search only Department Header-related content
- Section Tracking: If enabled, this page and all sub-pages will be tracked as a section within Analytics
- Display: Create a Start Date and End Date for beginning and ending display dates of this page version
- Layout: View our Manage a Page's Layout and Theme article to learn more about layout management
- Click the Save button to finish your work:
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