The .gov domain extension is a top-level domain restricted to government entities only. Due to this restriction, CivicPlus cannot register a .gov domain on your behalf. Your organization will need to manage this domain registration with the authorized registrar DotGov. CivicPlus is happy to answer questions and guide your staff as much as possible and is able to manage your DNS zone on CivicPlus DNS servers. However, the domain registration itself cannot transfer to CivicPlus.
Similarly, most .us domain names are eligible for transfer to CivicPlus; some restrictions do apply to .us domains depending on the top-level domain (TLD) ownership. A subdomain is a domain that is a part of a larger domain. For example, and are subdomains of the domain, whereas north. and south. are subdomains of the top-level domain. If your domain name follows a similar format to <> CivicPlus will be unable to register the domain name on your behalf because this domain belongs to the state registrar
If you have any questions or concerns about your domain ownership or registration please contact our Support team.
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