Abilities by Permission Level
Organization Owner
- Can access all Site Tools
- Can set Page and Site Tools permissions for all Groups
- Can set Users as System Administrators
System Administrators
- Full access and rights to all Pages and Site Tools
- Has administrative control of the site
- Has access to all functionality available to the client and all content within it
- Can create and publish content to the sites
- Has control at the category level (publish/unpublish, setting permissions, and so on)
- Serves as a kind of mini-system administrator for a specific area of the website
- Can edit Page Properties and toggle the Feature Column
- Can create and publish content (items) to the sites
- Can approve an author’s work
- Cannot delete pages or categories
- The lowest level of the actionable user on the admin side
- Can create content but cannot make it public on the site
- Must submit all work for approval
- Cannot delete or publish any content
- Has view access only
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