This article will show you how to view and configure Properties in the Pages module.
- Navigate to Site Tools > Pages
- View and configure the Properties
- Allow Archive Delete (required): Allow the deletion of archived versions after [x] days.
- Allow Bulk Archive: Choose whether or not to display the Delete button in Site Map bulk actions
- Expiration Warning Hours (required): Number of hours to give a warning before an item in the module expires
- Note: Default is 48 hours. Do not set to a negative number or zero.
- Public Name (required): Configure the public name of the module
- Note: Used in navigation breadcrumb, generally displayed above the content area.
- Send Notification Emails (required): Choose to not send emails, send expiring item emails, send submittal emails, or send expiring and submittal emails
- Show Archive Link: Choose to show the link to archives on pages
- Toggle Feature Column: Choose to allow authors and publishers to toggle the feature column on pages
- Was this page helpful: Choose to display the "Was this page helpful" section on pages
- Admin Name (required): Configure the administrative name of this module
- Note: Used in the drop-down menu and while editing the module.
- Click Save Changes at the top of the page
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